PitchVision Drills | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Video: Batting Drill to Improve Footwork

Good batsmen have a powerful front foot drive. This video is a drill for batsmen to improve their footwork in shots on the front foot, and help you get your weight into the ball.

Cricket Tips: Combining Video with A Bowling Machine Boosts Performance

We all know how good a bowling machine is for improving batting technique. But just using it to hit balls is not the best way. That's where a good review and PitchVision's PV/VIDEO comes in.

This video shows you how you can use video analysis for instant feedback on your bowling machine session. This allows you to tap into the proven power of deliberate practice and effective review.


Video: Speed Up Cricket Video Analysis with Filters

With video everywhere, it's easy to get footage of you playing and training, but takes a long time to go over the footage. Here's how to solve this problem and quickly get the the balls you want to see again.

Using PitchVision filters, you can break down your session within a few seconds and review the footage. Here are the details:

Improve Spin Bowling Tactics with the Spin Triangle

It's hard to plan spin tactics in cricket nets.

With this drill from PitchVision, you can use the "spin triangle" to make the most of your spin, accuracy and pace to find your ideal tactic, even in a net. So, find out what this is all about in the video below (including examples).

Set Up A Bowler Target Zone in PitchVision for Windows

Using PitchVision you can set an area for your bowlers to hit without the need for cones or other distracting visual aids.

Here's how.

How to Set Up Players on PitchVision

This is a quick, simple guide to setting up a new player on the PitchVision Coach app for Windows.

If you can't see the video above, click here.

"Players" are anyone who will be using the system. It's important to set them up so they can view their videos and data after the session. However, once someone is set up, they will remain on the system. You only need to do it once. You can add players any time.

How to Set Up a New Venue in PitchVision

This is a quick guide to setting up PitchVision at a new venue. The first time you use PitchVision at a new place, you need to tell it where it is. This vital step is simple and easy.

Video: Batting Drill to Improve at Nets

One of the problems with batting in cricket nets is that you can't see where you hit the ball after it goes into the net. So, here is a drill to bring in a better way to assess your shots you can take from the nets to the middle. In the video, we use a scoring system that lets the batsman self-assess each shot.

Video: How to Set Up a Session on PitchVision Coach

Here's a simple guide to setting up a session on your laptop with the PitchVision Coach app.

As a busy club or school coach, time is precious. So, all you need is a minute to load the players into the system and you are ready to get them started on video analysis and ball tracking using PV/ONE or PV/CLUB.

Cricket Coaching with PitchVision: A Guide for New Coaches

One of the most common questions asked when cricket coaches get to use PitchVision is "what do I need to do differently?"

As this video shows, your coaching doesn't have to change at all. Aside from some minor moments to set up a session on the laptop, you can let it run itself. Letting a player have responsibility for making sure the right person is bowling and batting is also a good way to encourage good behaviours.