Improve your cricket strength for a tenner | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Improve your cricket strength for a tenner

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Getting fit for cricket doesn't have to be expensive.

You improve your strength by overloading your muscles using weights. Nobody says this weight has to be expensive bars and machines in a gym though.

Consider the humble sandbag.

You can make your own with some freezer bags, sand and a couple of sacks for about a tenner.

Then you can build a workout of cricket specific movements that improve your core stability, mobility, balance and explosive strength.

All of which will translate to a better performance on the field. So get yourself down to Homebase!

Sample Sandbag Workout for Cricket

After warming up properly do the following exercises as either 3 sets of 10 reps or a circuit with 1:1 work to rest ratio (3 minutes rest between circuits). You can find pictures of the sandbag exercises here.

  • Sandbag Clean and Press
  • Press Up
  • Sandbag Squat
  • Sandbag Overhead Lunge
  • Sandbag Half Moon Snatch

To increase intensity, add more weight to the bag.

More cricket fitness soon, so subscribe for free updates.

© Copyright miSport Holdings Ltd 2008

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