5 ways to improve you cricket when it’s raining | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

5 ways to improve you cricket when it’s raining

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  1. Go to the gym. Just because a match is called off doesn't mean you have to head home. Stop off at the gym for an extra strength training session and be all the more fit for next week.
  2. Talk about old games. A less taxing but more tactical method is to head for the bar and seek out the clubs retired old stagers for some “war” stories. Chances are a problem you have will have been experienced before and these guys are the ones to help you understand things better.
  3. Improve your hand eye-coordination. Squash and table tennis have direct crossover to better cricket and can be played even in the rain. If you prefer a less physical route then pick up the XBox and get playing.
  4. Sleep. Nothing aids recovery and concentration like a good sleep. Have yourself a power nap in the afternoon and get to bed early. If you are playing the next day you will perform better.
  5. Get some advice. Park yourself in front of your PC and while away the rain soaked hours by reading all those harrowdrive posts you have missed in the past. For even more fun, join the forum.

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