Coaching revealed: Why asking for less advice can make you a better player | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Coaching revealed: Why asking for less advice can make you a better player

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wello.jpgYour coach could make or break you as a player so you need to know how coaches operate. If you want the inside track on the way coaches think Pete Wellings is the man to ask.

Pete is A former professional and current ECB Level 3 coach. He has run his own coaching company, Coaching Cricket Excellence, for nearly 10 years. He is also head coach of Ealing CC Academy.

Critically, Pete knows the value of not being coached as much as being coached.

"One of the most common mistakes a coach can make is stepping in too early before they've had time to really analyse an individual's game." He told me. This is especially true for bowling actions that are highly individual.

Pete's method is not to blindly instruct but to enable his players to learn things for themselves. "Most of the improvements a cricketer makes in his career will come from either failing or a breakthrough moment."

"The good coach can show a method, or number of methods, which a player can use but I firmly believe it's up to the individual to decide which one works for him. The best coaches create an environment whereby players are constantly learning new ideas."

He told me that "Enabling players to overcome a problem which may have seemed insurmountable to them is a great experience."

But what about those of us without a coach on hand?

Many clubs exist without coaching beyond the age of 16. For Pete it's all about the players being willing to work hard themselves.: "Work hard at your technique, mental skills, fitness and particularly your fielding." He reveals.

"Many players fail to get selected for higher level sides because their fielding is perceived to be a weakness. One other thing is not to worry if you haven't been selected for your county age group or first team. Many professional cricketers emerge later in life."

For some of us it might be a little too late, but the philospohy remains the same. Set yourself a goal and work towards it with a coach who knows when to speak and when to stay silent.

If you want to know more about Coaching Cricket Excellence click here.

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