Why you need your batting legs | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Why you need your batting legs

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One of the critical elements in a batsman's fitness development is the strength of his legs.

They are often overlooked but�strong legs allow you to run faster, reduce your chance of injury and reduce your fatigue when batting for long periods.

So don't be one of those batsmen who ignore their legs.

Here are some exercises you can choose from to add to your programme:

Single Leg: The most cricket specific leg exercises.

Squats and Deadlifts: Best for building strength.

Power: For developing explosive power in your legs.

You can vary the routines by doing high weight for strength and low or body weight for strength endurance. 3 sets of 10 reps is somewhere in the middle of the two.

So next time you are in the gym, don't forget your legs and they won't forget you in the middle of a game.

(Thanks to Scott from Straighttothebar.com for the leg tips)

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