Quick Tip: Bowling Fast for Weaklings | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: Bowling Fast for Weaklings

I might be a bit harsh on Faiaz calling him a weakling, but here is what he said about himself,

"Can you teach me how to bowl fast? I am a weak person with not much strength so bowling short pitched deliveries and even good lengths seems a gift for batsman because they get ample time to hit me. It will be my pleasure if you give me few ideas about bowling fast being a weak person."

The batters are kicking sand in your face Faiaz. It's time to fight back.

Not with Charles Atlas, but you will need to get strong. As Steffan Jones says, brutally strong in your own bodyweight.

Strength is the baseline for generating force. Strength time speed equals power and the more power you can put into the ball, the faster it comes out.

That said, you need a good action too. But a good action is useless without the strength to use it.

So get working out. Maybe it's the gym, maybe its press ups in your room, anything to get started building up strength.

You can get more complex later, but start today with something to improve your bodies ability to make force.

It's the quickest way to get quick.

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