The Indiana Jones guide to better cricket | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

The Indiana Jones guide to better cricket

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Moments after the vehicle has plunged over the sheer cliff, taking Indiana Jones with it there is a dramatic pause and the camera cuts to a close up of the cliff edge.

No one can possibly have survived.
The very definition of a cliff hanger.

Suddenly we see a hand desperately grab the edge, then another as our hero somehow escapes certain death. What makes the whole thing so 'Indy' is that close shave leaves him hurt and grumpy: He's no superman. He's breakable, despite his heroic efforts.

I doubt you have ever plunged over a real cliff (I know I haven't), but it can feel like it sometimes on the pitch.

When you are nine down with five overs to go you would give your right arm for a man sporting a fedora and bullwhip at the crease, kicking up dust and stones and he hangs off the precipice.

Indiana Jones may not be able to bat or bowl for us, but we can all take inspiration from one lesson he teaches.

Besides, it gives me an excuse to watch the first three films again (The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull doesn't count)

World class basics

'Indiana' was the exciting alter-ego, but it was Dr. Henry Jones Jnr. that really did the hard work.

It's his knowledge as a teacher and archaeologist, built up over many years of boring old conventional education and research that leads him on his adventures and gets him out of trouble.

Without being a master of the basics under extreme pressure he would have been caught by the first trap in the first scene.

It's exactly the same for cricketers. Too many players see the glory and try to do the impossible before they can do the possible with competence.

They end up caught on spikes or run over by a giant boulder when all they needed to do was stay out of the light.

The moral is: Practice the basics long after you think you need to. Become a geek about your technique, tactics and fitness. Never be satisfied until you are perfect, and then when you are perfect, find a further imperfection.

World class basics include:

Like Indy, the best players never stop working on the basics, so when the pressure is on they can trust what they have learned.

Every boring drill in the nets, every session of bowling at a target again and again and every catching practice is one step closer to making you more like Indiana Jones on the pitch.

It's either that, or be unprepared and watch your face melt when you open the Ark.

And that has to sting.

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