Cricket | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Stop being a skinny cricketer and start winning more games

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Creative Commons License photo credit: jragon

Are you a skinny cricketer who wants to improve? Then this article is for you.

Make a list of all the things you would like to be able to do better on the cricket pitch. Be as precise as you can. Write it down if you like or just do it in your head.

Don't read on until you have done the list.

Why bowling no balls is like smoking

This post is inspired (with permission) by Ian Pont's Fast Bowler's Bible. Click here to pick up a copy.

Just like smoking, you shouldn't bowl front foot no balls.


Neither habit is very good for you. That is scant consolation if you do find your foot stepping over the line though. Like a nicotine addict you find the harder you try to stop the harder it becomes. It starts to become an unbreakable habit.

Nobody understands how difficult it is.

Why everyone wants to bat in the middle order (and what to do about it)

Creative Commons License photo credit: Tc7

I don't know what it's like at your club, but where I play almost everyone thinks they are best suited to batting between 5 and 8.

But someone has to face the new ball and someone has to bat at 11 (which they will strongly disagree with even if they don't say anything).

We will be back after this short break

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Harrowdrive is taking a break for a few days. I'll be back soon with more cricket stuff for you.

Until then why not take a look through the archives at the bottom of the page, or use the category list on the right hand side (click here if you are reading this in an email or RSS feed).

If you want some excellent cricket chat I highly recommend Simply Cricket

How not to warm up for cricket

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Creative Commons License photo credit: fiverlocker

When I was in school there was a certain way to warm up. A way the PE teachers of the world instilled in us kids. It goes something like this:

Do nothing, just start playing from standing. After all, cavemen didn't have time to warm up if a sabre toothed tiger chased them. If you are really keen you might throw a couple of balls to the keeper before taking the field.

Case Study Updates: New season begins

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Creative Commons License photo credit: Neil Saunders

With the new season upon us it's time for an update from some of our Case Studies.


I gave Guy some specific things to focus on in the pre season. Here is how it went for him:

  • Increased practice on bowling and batting after setting practice targets for the winter.

Ask the Readers: What are your tips for bowling faster?

I'm currently compiling what I hope will be the definitive guide to bowling faster. It's my response to the many questions I get here and on the Simply Cricket forum.

However, I'm no paceman myself (I have never bowled a ball in competitive cricket at any level) so I need your help.

If you are a seam or swing bowler, what are your tips for increasing pace?

How to choose the right cricket bat

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Creative Commons License photo credit: gumdropgas

Today's guest post is from Anthony Jenkins

Cricket bats are available with a wide range of features, and choosing one is a very personal decision. There are no right or wrong bats, just the one that feels right for you. Of these features, size and 'pick-up' or 'feel' are particularly important.

Healthy, tasty (and slightly badass) foods for cricket tea

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Creative Commons License photo credit: avlxyz

Despite reports to the contrary, it's quite possible to enjoy your club cricket tea, remain healthy and keep your performance levels up.

The mid-game meal is extremely important to cricket because, as Lucozade are keen to tell everyone, the right (or wrong) fuel can have a noticeable effect on your game.