Technique | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

How to Coach Cricketers Who Don't Listen

One big frustration of coaching is the players who don't listen.

And Then There Was Light!

It's October so the winter is closing in around the UK. This causes a couple of challenges for the coaches and players at Millfield School.

Discover and Hone Your Best Batting Trigger Move

“I just try to stand still”

How to Avoid Analysis Paralysis in Modern Cricket

With every ball of every cricket match on video these days, how do you avoid overload?

Improve "Weight Transfer" with This Simple Drill

What are the commentators on TV really talking about when they discuss a batsman "transferring his weight into the ball"?

3 Batting Technique Myths You Can Stop Worrying About

Everyone's a cricket coach.

Or so it seems these days. Advice comes from every angle; coaches, family members, the internet and even passers-by calling out. That would be great if it all matched up, but most of the time it is in direct conflict with another piece of advice.

Then there are the myths and clichés on top. The advice that sounds good, and makes the advisor sound wise and clever. In fact, it's based in no more evidence than it was overheard on TV. So it must be true for everyone, right?

It's enough to make you go back to bed instead of picking up the bat and dealing with the swirl of advice in your head.

So, here is some clarity for you: Three simple bits of advice we have all heard (or perhaps even given) that don't make as much sense as they seem. Once you know that these things are not always true, you can get on with getting back to the simplicity of hitting the ball with a clear mind and a confident outlook.

If You're Checking Cricket Technique, Do It in Matches

We all love to make technical improvements, but you're not finding your flaws unless you see them in matches.

40 Ways to Bat at Nets Instead of Just Hitting Balls. Now You Have No Excuse.

One of the worst things I can hear at cricket training is the dreaded phrase "I just want to hit balls".

Why is this so bad?

Batting Technique Tip: Keep Your Feet on the Ground

If you want to bat with power and timing, make sure you play your shots with both feet on the ground.

Playing Spin Is a Basic Skill so Treat it Differently

The basics of batting against spin are different to the basics of batting.