miCoach | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Skipping: An alternative for cricket fitness

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jumprope.jpgAs you know, I'm a big fan of intelligent, cricket specific fitness work. Running is the cornerstone of this for all cricketers but there is one alternative.

Skipping or jumping rope has been recommended for a while by Physical Therapist Gray Cook for all intermittent sport athletes and that includes club cricketers. While running (and running fast) is highly cricket specific and important this can be replaced at certain times by jumping rope.

Running Drills #8- Speed Improvment Drills from PowerCranks (Speed Form)


Promotional Video - but contains some great information and demonstrations


Running Drill #6 - "Ankling"

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Running Drill #6

Running Drill #5 - 'Running Backward' Drill to Improve Biomechanical Form


Running Drill #5


Running Drill #4- 'High Knees' Running Drill for Biomechanical Form Improvement



Running Drill #4


Running Drill #3 - "Paw Back" Running Drill to Improve Biomechanical Form


Running Drill #3

Running Drill #1 - 'Side to Side' Running to Improve Biomechanical Form


The following are a set of drills designed to assist in the development of biomechanical form when running.
Efficient running technique could give you the edge over other athletes especially as a bowler!

What should cricketers eat on match days?

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strawberries.jpgOne of the most common questions I get asked about cricket nutrition is: "what should I eat on playing days?"
While there is a simple template, it's a difficult question to answer. Players have different nutritional needs and play longer or shorter versions of the games. That said, there are certain things everyone can do to make sure they are getting the right fuel at the right time.

The Harrowdrive Select XI returns!

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After a long break the Select XI is back. Here is the final side:

Harrowdrive Select XI

1. Aqeel Iqbal (Opening Batter, Leg Spinner, Pakistan)
2. Jamie Dell (Opening Batter, Wicketkeeper, England)
3. Chris Briody (Batter, Australia)
4. Utkarsh Somaiya (Batter, Medium Swing Bowler, Australia)
5. Rajarshi Dasgupta (Batter, Medium Swing Bowler, Australia)