Cricket | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Stat Attack: Little known ways your scorer will help your team improve

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Admit it, you know your average.

Some players know it to the 3rd decimal place, some have a more vague idea, but we all love to know what our average is. It's such an easy way to compare players. Average over 40 with that bat and you are doing well, average under 20 with the ball and you are a star player.

But stats are increasingly having a place in helping teams win more games, and most teams can take advantage easily, even at club and school level.

Use the 4 tent pegs bowling drill to improve your pace and accuracy

The 4 tent pegs fast bowing drill has been designed by Ian Pont to improve fast bowlers at all levels.

The drill is performed without a ball to allow the bowler to get the right feel for the 4 key positions of the bowling action.

This video is a free sample of Ian Pont's How to Bowl Faster online training course. If you like the video, you can purchase the rest of the course and get instant access.

Cricket Show 60: Ashley Metcalfe and our first guest co-host

miCricketCoach - PitchVision miCricketCoach Show 060 with guest co-host Peter Harold of Ryan Maron Cricket School.mp3
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With Kevin away the show welcomes Peter Harold, video analyst from Ryan Maron's School of Cricket Excellence in South Africa as our very first guest co-host. David and Peter talk about coaching and answer your questions.


5 Ways to convince the skeptics to change tactics and training

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As a miCricketCoach reader you know more than most club cricketers about how to improve your game. But what about the rest of the team?

In my experience cricketers are a conservative lot. There are still plenty of players who look at you out of the corner of the eye if you suggest gym work, or baulk at the idea that a warm up needs to be more than a quick cigarette and a couple of arm whirls.

How the humble berry can save your cricket

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How can a berry improve your cover drive?

Of course, it can't. Not even a strawberry. Not directly anyway. But what it can do is represent something bigger than itself.

I see the berries as a whole attitude. A way of life even: The way of the berry. And this way is the fastest route to becoming a better cricketer.

Cricket training secrets: Foam rolling

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This is part one of a series of tips that are often overlooked by traditional cricket coaches. All are proven to give you the edge but because they don't originate in the cricket world have not been picked up by the mainstream of players yet. That's why we are calling the series "training secrets". This secret is about foam rolling.

Do you make mistakes with your batting trigger move?

This is part 3 of a 3 part series on trigger moves by Gary Palmer. To go to part 1 click here, to go to part 2 click here

In this free video Gary Palmer shows you The common mistakes batsmen make when making a trigger move. Get it wrong and you can end up in a poor position that is more likely to get you out.

Cricket show 59: Secrets of success

miCricketCoach - PitchVision miCricketCoach Show 059.mp3
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It's Kevin's last show of the year as he goes off for his holidays so the show is packed to the rafters. Gary Palmer is back with more batting tips and Alan Crouch, Head of Performance at Wiltshire cricket. We also answer questions on:

Stop playing cricket: Why too much of a good thing can be a bad thing

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If you want to be a better cricketer you better play lots of cricket. That's a no brainer. But what if too much cricket leaves players failing to reach their potential?

It might upset some of the players of yesteryear, but the research shows that you can play too much cricket (or any sport) when you are growing up.

Specialising too early reduces ability.

I remember when this was all fields

What Simon Cowell can teach you about cricket

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Ever wondered what makes some talented players succeed and others fail?

If there is one person who knows more about picking people with that something extra it's record executive, TV producer and celebrity judge Simon Cowell.

Through shows like Pop Idol, American Idol, The X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, Cowell has honed his ability to pick a diamond from the rough and make it shine.